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Unit Manager
Kamarozaman Ibrahim Agensi Group
019-308 2201
Email :

Tel Pejabat : 03- 4145 5801
Acc Maybank : 162263196315

Monday, February 21, 2011

A strong partner for securing your career.

Takaful is a mutual assitance certificate based on the principles of shared responsibility,cooperation and common interest. Each covered participant contributes on the basis of Tabarru (donation) into a fund that will be used to support each other in times if need.

The principle of Takaful is to uphold the principle of 'brotherhood'.It striclty adheres to ethcis and transpparency of shariah guidelines that prohibits uncertainly (Gharar) , gambling / luck(Maisir) and interest (Riba).


Noble Career ;

Helping people to secure their financial independence and freedom.

Financial Freedom ;

Reward yourself with the dream car,designer house and provide your children with the world-class education.

Bussiness Opportunity ;

Personal development to become the leader of your own agency.Leave a sizeable legacy for you family.

Some facts about fixed incomers.

  • Limited increment statistics show only around 6% increment for private sector.
  • Inflation rate stands at 2% in Malaysia (November 2010)

Only 7% of the 28 million population are insured with Takaful.

The rest 93% of the population represents a huge opportunity.


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